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Follow Tips To Join:
  1. Click below to Choose Membership (please read all steps before clicking Choose Membership below).

  2. When you choose your membership Click  Add To Cart , then click Proceed To Checkout  the system will then direct you to the SignIn/SignUp Page to setup email and password for online access.

  3. Click the blue  Sign Up  link at bottom of the SignIn/SignUp page.

  4. Follow steps to fill out fields and set password. If someone referred you to us, this is where you will search for their email address and select their name. (If a member refers someone they receive one free EES hour.* 

  5. After you sign up, you will be directed back to check out screen where you will pay for membership and click Complete.

  6. You will be asked to sign membership forms and then directed to checkout.

  7. Once you finished paying for membership you will click Back to Online Store 

  8. You will then select the EES package of your choice.

It's easier than it sounds, the system will take you through each step, just make sure

to look for the blue "Sign Upon the third step. 



Call 855-980-9000 and we will assist you!



In Future, After You Join To Purchase or Book:

1. Go to and Sign-In (top righthand corner).

2. Once Signed-In, Go To Book Now or Store to Purchase Discount Package



Get on board with your iPhone or Android device using our

SoulfulWaves' App


Search "soulfulwaves" in your app store to download. Use credentials set above to Sign In.


We look forward to seeing you!




*To receive a Free EES Session Hour for referring, the new member must join and purchase EES Sessions.

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